The Society’s meetings 1968-1977


57th meeting                    Spring              Regional Physics Centre, Glasgow
Dr John Lenihan                 ‘Technology and Medicine’

58th meeting                   Summer          Royal Infirmary, Stirling
General F M Richardson     ‘Napoleon and the Doctors

59th meeting                   Autumn           RCSEd, Edinburgh
Mr James  Ross                   ‘The History of the Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons’
Mr AA Gunn                         ‘Cases described by John Bell, Charles Bell, George Ballingall and James Wardrop’
Dr Andrew Shivas               ‘Some Early Examples of Microscopy’
Professor DEC Mekie         ‘The Museum’s Catalogues : their relation to its function’


60th meeting                    Spring             RCPSG, Glasgow
Dr A T Sandison                    ‘Diseases in Ancient Societies’

61st meeting                     Summer          Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
Dr M H A Davison               ‘An Artist’s View of 18th Century Medicine : The Life and Times of William Hogarth’

62nd meeting                   Autumn           RCPE and University Staff Club, Edinburgh
Dr A H B Masson                  ‘Edward Lawrie of the Hyderabad Chloroform Commission’
Dr David Simpson                ‘Is there a pit under the Anatomy Theatre designed by Adam for Munro secundus ?’


63rd meeting                     Spring             RCPSG, Glasgow
Dr M H A Davison                 ‘Murder and Medicine

64th meeting                     Summer          Medico-Chirurical Society, Aberdeen
Dr W  Howie                          ‘Medical Education in 18th Century Hospitals’
Dr Ian Porter                          ‘Sir Alexander Ogston (Professor of Surgery at Aberdeen University 1882-1909)’

65th meeting                     Spring              Dental School, Edinburgh
Prof John Boyes                     ‘A Fierce Storm Rages : the establishment of the Dental Hospital and School’


66th  meeting                     Spring             RCPSG, Glasgow
Dr Haldane P Tait                  ‘Medicine in India and Burma’

67th  meeting                     Summer           Crichton Royal Hospital, Dumfries
Dr Allan C Tait                        ‘The History of Chrichton Royal Hospital’
Dr R A Robinson                     ‘The Evolution of Geriatric Psychiatry’

68th  meeting                     Autumn             RCSEd, Edinburgh
Mr David Mackenzie               ‘A History of Sutures’


69th  meeting                      Spring             RCPSG, Glasgow
Sir Charles Illingworth          ‘Some Old Books and Ancient Coins from the William Hunter Collection’

70th  meeting                      Summer           University of Stirling
Dr A C Chitnis                       ‘Medical Education in Edinburgh 1790-1826 and some Victorian Social Consequences’
Dr K J McCracken                ‘Scottish Medical Missionaries in Central Africa’
Mrs Monica Clough              ‘Material of Medical Interest in the Cromartie Papers’

71st  meeting                      Autumn          RCSEd, Edinburgh
Mr Charles Drummond        ‘Adam Drummond of Megginch, Chairman of the Surgeons 1746-1748’
Mr Noel Kretzmar                  ‘Medicine and Surgery in the Kimberley Diamond Fields’


72nd  meeting                      Spring             RCPSG, Glasgow
Mrs Helen  Brock                    ‘James Douglas of the Pouch’

73rd  meeting                      Summer          Livingstone Memorial, Blantyre
Prof George Shepperson        ‘David Livingstone and his place in History’

74th  meeting                       Autumn           Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh
Dr R L Richards                        ‘Rae of the Arctic’


75th  meeting                      Spring                RCPSG, Glasgow
Mr Henry Wapshaw   ‘A Critique of the modern concept of Surgery, based on a study of Medieval English Culture’

76th  meeting                      Summer            Murray Royal Hospital, Perth
Dr Harry  Stalker                     ‘ The History of Murray Royal Hospital’
Prof Alex Mair                           ‘Sir James Mackenzie 1853-1925, general practitioner

77th  meeting                       Autumn           Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Edinburgh
Mr Charles Drummond     ‘According to the Art : The Journal of an unknown 18th Century Dalkeith Apothecary’
Dr William Cunningham   ‘The Work of Two Scottish Medical Graduates in the control of Woolsorters’ Disease’


78th  meeting                      Spring                RCPSG, Glasgow
Dr A T Sandison                      ‘Diseases of Pre-contact Australian Aborigines’

79th  meeting                      Summer             Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin
Dr John Gammie                    ‘Some Historical Landmarks in Elgin’
Dr John C M Macdonald       ‘The History of Dr Gray’s Hospital, Elgin’

80th  meeting                       Autumn             Bookbindery, Falkirk and Physics Department, Glasgow
Mr Mercer                                  ‘The Art of Refurbishing Rare and Antiquarian Books’
Professor J M A  Lenihan        ‘Hair and History’


81st  meeting                         Spring                     The University, Stirling
Prof R H Campbell                  ‘The History of Nutrition in Britain’

82nd  meeting                       Summer              Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh

Prof W R O Goslings               ‘Leiden and Edinburgh : The Seed, the Soil and the Climate’
Prof J   Boyes                            ‘Sir Robert Sibbald : a neglected scholar’
Prof D L Cowen                        ‘The Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia’
Mr J B  Morrell                        ‘The Edinburgh Town Council and its University 1717-1776’
Prof D W Taylor                       ‘Books and papers of Alexander Munro primus in the University of Otago’
Mrs Eaves Walton                    ‘The Early Years of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh’
Dr C J Lawrence                       ‘Early Edinburgh Medicine : Theory and Practice’
Dr J Rendall                               ‘The Influence of the Edinburgh Medical School on America in the 18th Century’

83nd  meeting                       Autumn              Western General Hospital, Edinburgh
Miss Antonia Bunch                 ‘Medicine for the Soul : The Development of  Medical Libraries in Scotland’

84th  meeting                        Winter                Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Edinburgh
M Pierre Martinot                   ‘Old Monastic Pharmacies in France’


85th  meeting                         Spring                  Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh
Dr Jack C C Cormack               ‘A Tavern in the Town : a History of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh’
Mr Allen D C Simpson             ‘ The Riot in the College : Pitcairn’s contribution to the Edinburgh Medical School’

86th  meeting                         Summer               Medico-Chirurgical Society, Aberdeen
Dr G P Milne                               ‘Midwifery in the 18th and 19th Centuries in Aberdeen’

87th  meeting                          Autumn              Western Infirmary, Glasgow
Mr David Hamilton                    ‘The Early History of the Highlands and Islands Medical Scheme’
Dr M Menzies Campbell            ‘The First World War : A House Surgeon Remembers’