The Society’s meetings 1948-1957


1st meeting        Spring          RCS Edinburgh
Dr HJC Gibson       ‘The early history of Dundee Royal Infirmary’

2nd meeting      Summer      RCS Edinburgh
Dr John Ritchie      ‘Quarantine for plague in Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries’    ( Ed Med J 1948;55:691)

3rd meeting      Autumn       RFPS Glasgow
Dr J D Mackie        ‘A history of Glasgow University’
Mr AL Goodall       ‘The history of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow’    (Glas Med J 1949;30:89)


4th meeting     Spring      RCP Edinburgh
Dr HP Tait     ‘History of Paediatrics in Scotland’

5th meeting     Summer     Lanark and Hamilton
Prof SJ Cameron     ‘William Smellie’

6th meeting     Autumn      University of Edinburgh
Dr Douglas Guthrie     ‘Teaching of the History of Medicine’


7th meeting     Winter     Glasgow Art Gallery
Dr J Douglas Guthrie     ‘A brief history of British Dentistry 1685-1873’     (Br. Dent. J. 1950;80:175-181)

8th meeting     Summer     Royal Society, Edinburgh
Prof Shyrock     ‘A history of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore’
Prof Whitfield Bell     ‘Dr John Morgan’

9th meeting     Autumn     Royal Society, Edinburgh
Dr Douglas Guthrie     ‘A medical historian in Latin America’


10th meeting     Winter     RFPS Glasgow
Prof WJB Riddell      ‘John Reissberg Wolfe (1823-1904)’     (Br J Plas Surg 1950;3:153-164)
Mr AL Goodall     ‘The puzzle of Peter Lowe’

11th meeting     Summer    King’s College, Aberdeen
Prof John Craig     ‘The History of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Aberdeen’
Dr R Richards     ‘Dr Francis Adams and the Corpus Hippocraticum’

12th meeting     Autumn     Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh
Prof E Gotfredsen     ‘The reception of William Harvey’s doctrine in Denmark’   (Acta Med Scand 1952; 142: 75-86 supp 266)


13th meeting     Winter     RFPS Glasgow
Prof TK Monro     ‘Sir Thomas Browne – the skull and the portraits’
Dr ID Fergusson    ‘Progress in physiology in Glasgow 1839-1939’

14th meeting     Summer     Dundee Royal Infirmary
Dr John Kinnear     ‘Early Dundee Doctors’
Dr HJC Gibson         ‘Portraits in the Boardroom of Dundee Royal Infirmary’

15th meeting     Autumn     RCP Edinburgh
Dr John Ritchie     ‘The “De officio Magistratus” of Johannes Eurichius’
Col John Morison   ‘How the problem of plague was solved’


16th meeting     Winter     University of Glasgow
Dr FJ Hebbert     ‘The life and work of Allan Burns (1781-1813)
Prof Stanley Alstead     ‘The experiments of Stephen Hales, a remarkable clergyman’

17th meeting     Summer     University of Newcastle
Dr MHA Davison     ‘Byways in the history of Anaesthesia’
Prof John Boyes     ‘Aspects of dental history’

18th meeting     Autumn     RCS Edinburgh
Dr J Menzies Campbell    ‘The Chevalier Rushini, Surgeon-Dentist to the Prince Regent’


19th meeting     Winter    University of Glasgow
Mr RO MacKenna     ‘William Hunter as book collector’
Miss AS Robertson     ‘Some treasures of the Hunter coin cabinet’

20th meeting     Summer   RCP Edinburgh
Mr L Jolley     ‘The early history of Scottish Medical literature’
Rev R Stuart Louden    ‘Greyfriars Church in the history of Scotland and Edinburgh’

21st Meeting     Autumn     RFPSG Glasgow
Mr Tom Gibson   ‘Zoografting, a curious chapter in the history of Plastic Surgery’
Dr Douglas Guthrie     ‘Medico-historical activity and libraries in countries I have visited’


22nd Meeting     Spring     Royal Society of Edinburgh
Dr A P Meiklejohn     ‘The curious obscurity of Dr James Lind’
Dr T R R Todd              ‘Commentary on a recent trip to Damascus, Jerusalem and Nazareth’

23rd Meeting     Summer     Parish Church of Newcastleton
Rev A M Craig               ‘Conditions in the Parish of Castleton in the 18th Century’
Dr Haldane P Tait       ‘An assessment of the medical achievements of Drs John and George Armstrong’

24th  Meeting     Autumn     RFPSG Glasgow
Dr A M Gillespie      ‘Some Peebles-shire Doctors’


25th  Meeting    Spring     Royal Society,  Edinburgh
Dr Hugh W Y Taylor     ‘John Goodsir, Master Anatomist 1814-67’

26th  Meeting    Summer     Linlithgow
Dr M H A Davison  ‘The Maladies of Mary Queen of Scots, and her husbands’

27th  Meeting     Autumn     RFPSG Glasgow
                                     ‘Dr John McIntyre’s remarkable cineradiograph taken in 1897’
Mr A Goodall          ‘ The Health of King James the Sixth’


28th  Meeting    Spring     RCS Edinburgh
Dr R A Krause          ‘Healing as represented in postage stamps’
Dr A T Wallace         ‘Sir Robert Philip 1857-1939

29th  Meeting    Summer     Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh
Dr John Ritchie        ‘James Henrysoun, chirugeon to the poore -Edinburgh’s first MOH?
Dr W S Mitchell        ‘ A short review of the life of Dr George Henderson of Chirnside’

30th meeting     Autumn   RCP Edinburgh
Dr Douglas Guthrie       ‘Holland and Scotland in medical partnership’