Previous meetings

The Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held online on Saturday 24th October 2020 at 1:45pm


  1. Welcome by the President
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting
  4. Matters arising
  5. President’s report
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Secretary’s Report
  8. Report of the Guthrie Trust
  9. Election of Office Bearers
  10. Any other competent business
  11. Date and place of the next Annual General Meeting

More information here


The Spring Meeting of the Society will be held in the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow on 14th MARCH 2020 at 2.00 pm

The presentations will be:
History of Haemophilia in Scotland
Professor Gordon Lowe – University of Glasgow

Health Promotion of HIV and AIDS in Edinburgh in the 1980s and 1990s
Phoebe Johnstone – U o Edinburgh Medical School

Opposition to compulsory smallpox vaccination: The Scottish Anti-Vaccination League, 1896-1919.
Sylvia Valentine – University of Dundee doctoral student

The seven professorial protégés of John Gillie
Dr Alistair McKenzie – Hon Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Edinburgh & President, History of Anaesthesia Society

Lunch will be served from 12:30pm with tea at the end of the meeting.  The cost of the meeting including lunch and tea is £35 per person.

The Society met for the first time in 1948 and in the following year met 3 times, a format which continues to the present. The Haldane Tait lectures were established in 1992 to honour the name of a former president of the Society. These lectures are followed by the Society’s dinner and are held in the summer.

This archive provides a list of all meetings to date, giving the meeting venue, the speakers and their topics. More will be added as they become available.








Haldane Tait Lecture and Dinner 2015


Autumn meeting 2016

was held at Edinburgh Academy, Henderson Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5BL on  Saturday 19th November 2016 at 2pm

The speakers were;

Mr Roy Miller
The invention of the stethoscope

Professor Tony Butler
Who invented MRI?


Haldane Tait Lecture and Dinner 2016

A history of Sunshine; from good to bad and back again?

by Dr Richard Weller, University of Edinburgh

This was held in  Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 18th May 2016.

Full address: Craiglockhart Campus, Glenlockhart Rd, Edinburgh EH14 1DJ

Directions can be found here

An account of the Haldane Tait Lecture and Dinner 2015 with photographs of the event can be found here


Summer meeting 2016

This was held at the Montrose Museum & Art Gallery

on Saturday 18th June 2016

Full address: Montrose Museum & Art Gallery, Panmure Place, Montrose DD10 8HF  t: 01674 662660

Directions can be found here

Programme can be found here


Haldane Tait Lecture and Dinner – Wednesday 24th May 2017

“Vaccination from Jenner to Wakefield: a war of disinformation”

was given by Gareth Williams MD ScD FRCP FRCPE
Emeritus Professor of Medicine and Senior Research Fellow in English, University of Bristol

at Edinburgh Napier University, Craiglockhart Campus


Spring  meeting 2017

The Spring Meeting of the Society was held in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow on Saturday 25th March.


“Scotland’s Place in the History of Acoustic Neuroma Surgery”

Speaker : Professor Richard Ramsden

Professor Emeritus of Skull Base Surgery/Neurotology, University of Manchester

“A brief look at the history of the Deaconess Hospital, Edinburgh 1894-1990”

Speaker: Esther McNeill, Medical student, University of Edinburgh

“The Sexual Education of Medical Students during the mid-nineteenth century: Euphemism, Nether Regions and Banter”

Speaker: Jennie Brosnan, PhD candidate and Guthrie Trust awardee, University of Leicester



The Spring Meeting of the Society was held in the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow on
Saturday 14 TH APRIL 2018 at 2.00 pm.

More details here

The Summer Meeting of the Society was held at
The Maitland Room, Iris Murdoch Building,
University of Stirling,

More info

The Autumn Meeting of the Society was held
at The Village Hotel, Edinburgh
on Saturday 1st December 2018 at 2.00 pm

More Info


Haldane Tait Lecture 2019

“A J Cronin and The Citadel”

was given on Wednesday 22nd May 2019
at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

by Dr Ruth Richardson MA, DPhil, FRHistS

The Autumn Meeting of the Society was held at

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh 

on Saturday 12th October 2019 at 2.00 pm 

The speakers were:

Dr Hilary Morris

Convener of the Diploma in the History of Medicine of the Society of Apothecaries (DHMSA) Course; Senior Lecturer, Brighton

“Protecting the Health of Soldiers and Sailors during the 18th and early 19th Centuries: a reassessment of the role played by Scottish Medicine.”

Dr John Clark

Forensic Pathologist – Glasgow

“From Longwood to Hillhead: Napoleon, Egypt and Scotland”

Anthony W. Wildsmith

Professor Emeritus – University of Dundee

“Aylett, Alsop, their WW2 Casualty Management and What did kill most Americans at Pearl Harbour?”

Dr Maria Dlugolecka-Graham MBE

Polish School of Medicine Coordinator for The University of Edinburgh

“The Polish School of Medicine (at Edinburgh WW2)– the doors that wouldn’t close!?”